Terra Mare Consulting


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About Us

Terra Mare Consulting is a small family business located in Pinellas County Florida. We specialize in civil engineering, surveying, and ecological preservation. We are committed to providing accurate and precise surveys in a reasonable amount of time. Please reach out to us for projects at Colton@tampabay.rr.com.

Manatee Grass at a recent benthic resource survey

Manatee grass  Syringodium filiforme at a recent benthic survey.

Benthic Surveys

Benthic surveys determine the oceanic resources available at the site. These consist of seagrass beds, corals, macroalgae and other organisms which may be affected by proposed docking projects. 

The project area undergoes an aerial review which takes into consideration the preexisting and proposed conditions. Survey transects are then established and monitored via SCUBA and/or free diving methods. A transect tape, measuring stick, and underwater camera are used to help approximate scale and location of organisms. 

Quantitative sampling methodology is utilized to collect data within quadrats. Benthic resources are classified taxonomically, typically by genus and when available species. When classifying submerged aquatic vegetation, a Braun-Blanquet Cover Class is used in which each seagrass species is scored in each quadrat. After collecting this information, a report is then written and submitted.